Visit Of Claremont Fan Court Pupils
At Our School from 23 March - 1 April, 1999

4 Claremont Fan court students and Mrs. Pamela Rider who accompanied them spoke only German for 10 days, March 23 - April 1. Quite an achievement!

The school had made a super programme for the students. They attended regular classes but did also projects in art and his and history of art. They visited the famous abbey in Wiblingen and spent a day in Munich. They also helped with the lay-out of the school garden and with planting shrubs.

At the airport one fact was evident: It was difficult to part. They are planning to meet again soon.

These exchange programmes are organized by Mrs. Christa Udell, Head of modern languages at Claremont Fan Court and Ilse Motzer, Realschullehrerin an der Realschule Ulm-Wiblingen.

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